Jumaat, 24 Ogos 2012

slimming diet

This pills are made of extract from a Cactus, chomium, phylium husk,white kidney bean extract and orange.

It is a weight lost supplements, is made for people who are resistant to the weight supplement products, its helps loss of appetite, helps the digestive system, burn fat, reduce fat and is also high in fibre.

Lose 3-5kg in one packet without even feeling hungry!

(10 capsules for 1 packet)


Phylium husk

- Chomium

White kidney bean


Extract form aCactus

High in Fibre

The Amazing diet, lost 4-5kilo just in 1 packet

Please read more feedback on this item:

No side effects felt and has helped to keep stable when on holidays

Very good to deal with.

Diet is great and works!

Thank you, very prompt - it really works
Take one a day between1-2 capsules,

15-30 minutes before breakfast,

harga: rm11.00 10biji

rm28 40biji

berminat sms@whatsap 0174944797
atau layari http:.//masbeautythai.blogspot.com utk maklumat lanjut