1tin 26 bingkus
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V26 Slimming Coffee (Diet tanpa berlapar!)
-Utk Kurangkan berat badan & shape kan body
-Dari ekstrak tumbuhan semulajadi, selamat tanpa kesan sampingan.
- kurangkan lemak di pinggang, perut, kaki, lengan, tanpa menjejaskan dada. bukan hilang berat bdn..pinggang, punggung & lengan akan loose inci!
-takde effect cirit birit @ kesan2 lain
-takde effect pada badan
Komponen penting V26 Kopi Slimming:
Brazil wild black parvula coffee. Multi-amino acids of Garcinia. Multi-Vitamins.L-carnitine. Hydroxy Citric Acid. Genseng. Hawthorn Fruit. Lotus Leaf. Soybean. Green Tea.
Untuk hasil yang terbaik,
1.minum 1 sachet setiap hari kira-kira setengah jam sebelum sarapan pagi. Ia membuatkan anda berasa kenyang dan mengurangkan selera makan. Anda perlu makan seperti biasa. Jangan berlapar!
2. Bancuh 1 sachet kopi diet dalam air mendidih. Untuk rasa yang lebih baik yang baik, anda boleh mencampurkan kopi ni dgn milo/coklat@kopi lain.boleh tmbh skit gula jika nk manis.
√ Dapat mengurangkan 20-30% berat badan dalam jangka masa panjang
√ Mengecilkan bahagian-bahagian yang mempunyai benjolan lemak berlebihan
√ Mengurangkan potensi untuk makan lebih banyak
√ Meningkatkan metabolisme
✔ Meningkatkan METABOLISM dengan berkesan
✔ Bakar lemak & Kalori dengan pantas
✔ Menghapuskan lemak berlebihan
✔ Membantu mengurangkan selera makan
✔ 100% TIADA kesan sampingan
✔ Melancarkan pergerakan usus
✔ Membuang toksin yang merbahaya
✔ Melancarkan sistem aliran darah
✔ Buang angin dalam badan
✔ Mudah bangun tidur
Bagaimana Kopi V26 MengurangkanBerat Badan??
Kopi Slimming V26 diperbuat daripada pelbagai bahan-bahan aktif yang bolehmenggalakkan metabolisme dan mempercepatkan pembakaran lemak. Apabila kadarpembakaran lemak adalah lebih cepat daripada kadar metabolisme, penyimpananlemak akan dipaksa untuk dimakan. Oleh itu, apabila kedua-dua metabolisme danpembakaran lemak adalah kelajuan yang cepat, sel-sel lebih lemak akandilepaskan daripada badan.
Kopi V26 yang diminum sebelum makan bolehmengurangkan selera makan dan mengurangkan pengambilan kalori yang tinggi. Jadiia juga sesuai untuk mereka yang tidak dapat mengawal selera makan mereka.
Mengurangkanselera makan:
Apabila kopi V26 diminum & memasuki perut, iaboleh dipecahkan kepada bentuk cecair gastrik dengan koloid bercas positif. Keranatrigliserida Single dan gliserol di dalam sel-sel lemak adalah sejenis unsurbercas negative yang mana Kopi V26 boleh menyerap sel-sel lemak dan mengubahmereka ke dalam bahan-bahan larut. Kopi V26 juga boleh membaluti sel-sel lemakapabila ia melalui intestin itu. Jadi ia boleh membuat anda mengambil jumlahkalori yg berkurangan walaupun anda makan pada kadar yg masih sama.

Product Description
The efficacy of magic:
1. Block fat absorption of the blockade:
Fat digestion product of fatty acid, single-glycerides, glycerol formation with a negatively charged material, thin coffee into
the gastric juice to form positively charged colloid, evenly distributed in the digestive juice, fat digestion materials meet
immediately to play a strong role in ion adsorption, resulting in a large number of complex. Cellulite fat at the moment
things have been V26 slimming coffee, gum packages, can not can not be absorbed through the intestinal wall,
the adsorption of fat in food, and must be sealed off, blocking the small intestine to absorb it in order to
control the body caloric intake to achieve the weight-loss results.
Second, to enhance combustion, regulating metabolism:
V26 slimming coffee also contains a variety of active substances to promote the mobilization of fat,
which can effectively bring the body into fat cells for energy storage heat fat cells, accelerate the rate of body fat,
regulate metabolism in the right degrees, the metabolism of fat consumed from the reserve is greater than Status
pull to consume more than the state of reserves and gradually adjust to the consumption of fat reserves and the
basic balance, so that an appropriate degree of metabolism to achieve the best condition. Storage fat cells into
fat cells for heat production and speed up fat-burning cells, regulating metabolism of a suitable degree of weight loss is the V26 thin secret of coffee!
V26 slimming coffee Garcinia cambogia extract contains HCA, to help prevent weight gain after weight loss (bounce)
the best results. For those who finally cut the weight down by people who are drinking raw materials, V26 containing HCA
would be more effective at inhibiting weight loss coffee weight rebound.
This product is rich in minerals, amino acids, vitamins, the effect of the performance are: the promotion of
human metabolism, regulating endocrine, burning excess fat and toxins emitted is a pure natural beauty slimming Jiapin.
Product Name: Magic 26 Slim Coffee
Efficacy: 26 days to lose weight 7-15 pounds
From the United States speed fat burning weight loss formula of coffee Energizer Reducer, full effect break down fat, taking less,
without any effect on the human body burning excess body fat to trim at top speed. Just a day before breakfast take a package, you can easily reply slender!
Speed Menu
• Strengthening lipolysis and promote fat burning
* To stop the promotion of fat synthesis in vivo environment
Scope of application: simple obesity, adolescence obesity, post-natal obesity
Not suitable for people: children and pregnant women milk
* This product is not a treatment or prevention of the drug, effects, progress and reaction varies
• All persons should not be a long time to lose weight, should pay attention to a balanced diet and regular exercise to make
* Weight loss is found during the rapid weight loss can be reduced by half the amount of taking
The following persons in the weight-loss, should first consult a doctor views:
* The elderly, children and patients with chronic diseases such as heart disease
* Pregnant women and lactating women
* Suffering from cold, fever, should be recovered and re-taking 【Specification】 per box of 26 packets, each packet adjustable dubbed in 100ml of coffee.
【Usage】 just 80-100ml hot water every morning to drink a coffee package, to help you to easily burn calories,
eliminating the accumulation of body fat, there is continuous full stomach flu, reducing snacking habits

This product is the choice of the United States virgin forest black coffee, with pure natural plant "Garcinia Cambogia" (HCA), refined by scientific processes, it is a natural, healthy, safe and without any side effects of slimming products, it does not like an ordinary coffee, is a biopharmaceutical group research center in the United States Health Church after years of repeated development of weight-loss results.
rm28 1tin
berminat sms@whatsap 0174944797
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